Reverse Polarity August 2017​

After a recent attempt at a interstate megafield fell through, it was decided that ENLSA should show the rest of the country how a proper megafield should be constructed and executed.  Nightshade13 took the lead in planning, taking advantage of Enderdragon13 spending some quality time in a hole on Yorke Peninsula over the weekend of the 19th and 20th of August.  Calls went out for people willing to go for their black Illuminator badge, and Infiltrator72 stepped up to the mark.  Being traditionalists, it was decided that we would go for a triangular shaped field, and anchors in Kapunda, Keith, Yorke Peninsula and eventually Port Lincoln were selected.


The day of the Op dawned…well, a bit crappy really, but it didn’t deter our fine band of link breakers as they set out to all points of the compass.  Cerealkiller headed northwest to Nildottie, Crazyacco101 and JaFoxy south to Meningie, Minty5 and Cruxerror to brave the blue den of Victor Harbor, and RideTheTiger to flail around with surprising effectiveness in Aldinga and Second Valley.  Amn3siac79 and Skettilegs were acting as floating link breakers, ready to pounce at a moments notice on any link that dared to cross the proposed paths. An inadvertent set of links from Whyalla caused minor panic a few hours before kickoff, but Dakirk was on the ball and graciously agreed to kill some big fields in order to let us proceed.


The smurf Sgtbearcat had been active the previous night at one of the proposed anchor points on the Yorke Peninsula, but it was decided to use that portal anyway, as how much damage could one smurf really do? This was to later cause some excitement…


Having consigned Enderdragon13 to his hole and spending about 600km on finding uniques the day before, Nightshade13 took up position keeping the seagulls company in Stansbury, while Infiltrator72 and Bructus readied themselves in Kapunda.  At precisely 11:28 and a bit, our fearless Operator, Mukkie, gave the word and the link breakers sprang into action.  By 11:30 the way was clear, and Infiltrator72 completed the first field.  At this point Nightshade13 took over and began layering more fields from Stansbury, while Infiltrator72 and Bructus began an intricate set of manoeuvres in the streets of Kapunda in order to ready the area for the next set. Having finished in Stansbury, Nightshade took off west towards Hardwicke Bay, with a scheduled stop two thirds of the way over to put some more fields down.


At this point, Sgtbearcat *and* Ayla89 made themselves known in Hardwicke Bay, destroying one of the portals destined to be an anchor. They linked out across the gulf to a predeployed fan of links in Second Valley laid by Jillaroo to form a series of fields…which RideTheTiger promptly pounced on with chuckles of glee.

We waited to see if they would head east to Stansbury to take down the newly formed field… And waited… And as of time of writing 12 hours later, we still don’t know where the hell they went.  They popped up, saw a megafield not far away, then packed up their scanners and went back to sleep.  Strange and mysterious are the way of the Smurf.


Travelling at slightly under mach 1, Nightshade13 managed to throw out a parachute in time to stop before falling into the ocean, and put in further layers from Hardwicke Bay, before Infiltrator72 and Bructus returned from their lightning tour of Kapunda.  Judging by the heavy breathing on comms, much running was done, but they timed it perfectly, and started a series of layers from Kapunda that eventually brought up the longed for Black badge for Infiltrator72.


In all, 19 layers and 12.3 million MU were gained by this series of fields, and then the guys at Port Lincoln got to join the fun.  MarkPatrick and Lincolndog threw a set of five fields from Port Lincoln that netted a further 3.3 million MU and submerged Adelaide under 24 layers of green goodness.


As usual, it was a brilliant effort by all concerned, bouncing back after the disappointment of the earlier interstate field attempt, with everyone putting in a huge effort.  The link breakers did an amazing job, travelling big distances with little reward other than helping the team and a few uniques.  Our Operator, Mukkie did a superb job, dispensing instructions and updates with a calm precision that helped make the whole operation run smoothly, while the fielders did what they were told with a minimum of argument 🙂

Nightshade13, the man with the plan, and Mukkie, the man who fixed the plan, did a fine job setting out a link order that would get the required badges, and generally kept the whole scheme going for a number of weeks.  What’s more, he even remembered to retrieve Enderdragon13 from his hole at the end of the day!


Dramatis Personae:

Fielders: @Nightshade13, @infiltrator72, @Bructus, @MarkPatrick, @Lincolndog


Link Breakers: @Cerealkiller, @Crazyacco101, @JaFoxy, @Minty5, @Cruxerror, @RideTheTiger, @Dakirk, @Amn3siac79, @Skettilegs


Operator: @mukkie

Backup Operator: @GunboatDip1omat